Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wiki Tua Ono - Audio Story mahi due

You know I'm really enjoying my mahi at MIT and love my course. Time just seems to fly. Despite some serious raru at home and lack of focus I'm enjoying the course. Here are some field notes:


Sitting at the koroneihana hasn’t been such a great success in planning and preparation. I can tell you this much it has been a learning lesson and with everything that you’re taught you say yes I’m going to do it, pë rä hoki engari kaore ahau e whakarongo. Didn’t check the video cam didn’t check the batteries to put stuff in my bag too busy trying to clean the house still. There is something seriously wrong with me not getting ready 4 my mahi ne ra. Not puttng stuff in my bag too get ready. The thought of giving up shit too get this one thing right aye! Anyway got my interview although I still would have loved to do more of a radio interview with people. I have 2 interviewees so far. But my lack of organization leaves a lot to be desired. I’m here sitting at the media centre at Tü rangawaewae and man there is some serious power tripping going on here, bit scary personally so I’m sitting outside. I hear the kairipoata for a Maori radio station giving her feedback on the river claim which may be settled tomorrow day. A big pick up for those in the media industry. I may have to ask a few question s and try and get the inside word.
Have now moved inside the media centre, ha funny that with all the professionals in here, they all doing their work and discussing who has what and shooting the speech now soon. I’m sitting at the other end of the table from Amohaere Houkapou and Renee Kahukura and they have a translator or a scriptwriter helping them out. Funny I thought they had 2 cut and paste everything themselves. Seeing it as it happens with the radio on and listening 2 the mihi of the paepae ka rawe. The girls have joined me now and they are all sitting out on the verandah.
Te korero a Te Anga start on his speech then go from there, maybe I should just make this the last. The other one needs to be done by 7pm or half past 6pm. Moko Tini is constantly working and looking after all the journalists she is a good host. I’ll be glad 2 have her represent Tainui hearty. She is a real mum and a good host too. Girls have gone and at the moment I can hear the Tongan representative speak on the paepae, you can definitely tell a Islander’s korero.

Post Koroneihana

I thought that the Koroneihana was a good trip. Although at the time my first fieldtrip it really was hard work, trying not to disturb people and remain invisible is hard work so Yeah! Hard 2 get the pix when people can't see through you. Otherwsie fully enjoyable. Can't wait to hand this aromatawai in.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Iwi b4 Kiwi - Tainui Vs Ngapuhi, Ratana Vs Paimarire -Te Arotake o te Wiki Tuarima

E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga karangatanga, Kia koutou katoa,
E tenei wiki e pai wiki mo te whakatau, mahi inaianei he marama ana, kaore ahau e ngenge, tata mai mataara na te mea nga mahi na wai ra, ka tutaki nga mahi ano. Heoi ano, ki te ata ha ahau e noho ana i tenei waa. I quite enjoyed Ruia Aperahama's presentation and felt empowered by his mahi. Life is short and you can only do as much as you can on this Earth in a liftime, and what time is best to do things than the present. Ki te waa nei, karekau na raru raru engari i tera wiki, i poturi ahau mo te whakamaoritia oku tuhituhi mo te taupatupatu mo te karaehe a Kotuku, e mohio ana ahau e poturi mo te whakamaoritia engari ki oku whakaaro, kia kaha tonu ahau mo te mahi, mo te ahua taumaha o te wananga nei. Ae, rawe te mahi, rawe te ako, engari, ki ahau, mo nga mahi deadlines, nunui rawa atu, kei te ahi e rua mutu, (burning the midnight oil), ae ra, e rua nga haoro e moe ahau, ae marika! Tau ke tonu, no reira, kaore ahau e whakakaha ana tenei prakatihi na temea inaianei he maemae ki taku tuara, he whewhe, kua haere ahau ki te kemehi inapo kei te hokohoko he keremi mo te mamae, me taku ahua o te kanohi he ngenge hoki me nga rangitoto's ki taku kanohi (pimples), e maranga ki te ata o te taupatupatu, ara, nga rangitoto hoki, heoi ano, e haere ahau ki te kura e kaha ana te kaupapa, nga taupatupatu.
E kitea ahau tenei wiki mo te kaupapa Koroneihana. Ki ahau he taake tino tapu ki ahau, na te mea he raru hoki ki oku maharatanga, toku papa he Morehu, toku Karani he hikuroa o Paimarire, e maumahara nga raru, me nga tapu katoa o te kingitanga, me nga raru ki te marae, he kino whakaaro, na te mea, inaianei, nga taake o te ao, e mama noa iho, ranei pea, kaore nga matua o te ranei e mohio ana nga mahurangi o te taake i tera waa. Na reira, kei te whitiki taku ha, me haere mo nga torangapu raru ano o nga taake katoa, Ratana, Kingitanga, Reipa, Maori Paati me Nga taake Manukau Takiura whanui.
Mo aku akoranga, na mahi mihini a Dave, e pai, kei te ako nga ahua nga pukenga mo te whakarongo, mo nga ripene, me nga ripene ataata, he rawe. Mo te waa nei, whaka reria nga patai mo te korero, uiui, pataitai. Ki ahau iti noa iho e matuku mo nga tino maha tangata, mo nga pataitai papaho, he mahi ture he mahi tika, engari tenei te waa e whakapakari oku pukenga i raro te kaupapa Papaho Maori. Tau ke. Heoi ano he pai huarahi whakaako, kaore ahau e amuamu. Ko Koroki te tangata, Ko Huarau te haukainga, Ko Ngati Tipa te hapu, Ko tahinga te Puke, Ko Taupiri te Maungatapu, ko Waikato te Awa, He piko he taniwha he piko he taniwharau. I raro o te maramtanga a ihoa, matua tama wairua tapu me nga anaherapono piki te ora piki te kaha piki te maramatanga ma te mangai hei tautoko mai aianei ake nei ae..... tena koutou katoa

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Reviewing the Magazine and how it Went

In reviewing the week for work to do with the magazine, the understanding of how to work in a cohesive environment is paramount. I realised that given that I was only a photographer my work still didn't finish there. I also realised that the more you worked with a program the more you became familiar with the ins and outs of the programmes. I saw the skills of my colleagues blossum. It was fortunate that she had the software to work on the magazine as she had done really well to achieve all the layout wishes and wants of the team. Given that other commitments also play a part on our study life that she was able to stick to her commitments and still achieve a good outcome of putting the magazine together. She did really well. I'm pleased that the magazine turned out the way it did and that we were all able to compromise to come to an agreement to a great looking magazine. Given that I could have done alot of the work myself and made more technical changes I thought not to worry as I had done my job and not to try and do others work. So the magazine although hard in team nature it was a good exercise enjoyable but realised the uniqueness of team cohesion.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Wiki Tuatoru the Iron Grip of Pressure begins

The rains have gone and there is a slight shine through the window today despite there being no sun. After a good start to the term I feel the pressure of the semester begin. I have papers left right and centre sitting on the computer room floor and just myself here. I have come in to school on my spare Friday to complete my magazine and no one is here I have no mahi (in front of me) to help strengthen and pizzazz our aromatai I magazine, of which (I am the photographer, not editor or layout) but feel trapped by the lack of inabilities of my team, to create a great piece of work today to hand in for Monday (due 9am). I'm hoping this won't put me off. Yesterday we had one member away and I would have liked to have used the time to finish off what could have been some good input by me. Despite this we've turned up to class most days, but couldn't manage to pull together when needed. I don't want to be too pushy but I should have said something but I am afraid my peers don't want me to go ahead in case I do all the work! Or they would prefer to do it there own way. So I'm trying to put my doubts 2 the side 2 help towards my taupatupatu instead.
Manuhiri Kaikorero - The Media Guests I am impressed by the level and quality of speakers that Kotuku has managed to tahae into Class.. lol. I did tell him but 4got 2 mihi 2 him "unofficially" (in my impromptu "half pai" reo) in class (like Kororia's taenga). I have told him off the cuff, but I am really starting to see the professionalism of all the Maori Kaipapaho. All of them have had some significant contribution to te ao hurihuri me te ao papaho Maori. How will I foot it with the likes of them? I feel really happy about the breadth and extension that they could put into my writing and the motivation they have given me, its humbling now I write about it.

Above: Kaipapho Te Anga Nathan &KT July 08

Raru ki te kainga with the stresses of school come the stresses of home. It was nice 2 note from Hineani (returned Journal), that despite the mahi kainga (whakapai), that the mahi will still be there when I get back, to leave and not worry. But with the stresses and demands that I put upon myself, I returned home from a not so good night @ netball, wanting to commit to other stuff like reo classes etc.... my heart is not really into anything but my school work. But when yr heart gets a tug @ something yr naturally gd @ like the netball its hard! Wanting 2 do so much... ne way 2day I sit here trying 2 rectify what I want exactly... reo, netball, rugby... good marks.. Looks like the netball is on the backburner, could be my last season...... commitment 100%.

Well enuff writing 4 now, notha note I bought a new folder from the warehouse last week 2 file my papers in this morning and discovered the holder that holds all the paper is missing. Should I take it bak to the warehouse? well I would if I could find the receipt.... wooh the life of a student .. some days!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(...