Mahia a Mahi ki te Whare Waatea - Radio Waatea 603AM Wwell not that we didn't have enough experience for the day I thought I'd take the opportunity too to come in and work again at Whare Waatea. Boy what an interesting experience this was. I thought that this would be an easy assignment. But ah guess what! It was hard. KT said that this could be the mahi for me but u no what I dont' think it is the best job. It is very hard work trying to keep up the brown radar so to speak as Dale Husband would call it. You know. Anyway we gave it all we could Triani and I. I say good luck to her man because I found that hard! Oh well can't say that didn't give it a go. and go say that. Te Kupenga a tangata: I suppose having the networks and knowing people or not being shy to meet people and having the abilities to talk with people would probably be important her. Exploring into what people are doing and whats valuable in what they are doing. Having the insider information to a story is always good ie: the Destiny church having or becoming a Urban Authority with the support of two media broadcasters like John Tamihere and co friend Willie Jackson. Whats weird for me about this taake is that it can actually happen its like hey what is up with that. I feel like my rights as a Maori has been desecrated the whole tapu of Maori has really hit the fan!!! omg. So thats the latest discovery, as long as you have more than 20,000 people you can do this. Well who said the Black Power were stupid! they were on the idea first. Anyway that was my whakaaro I don't know about it now... going off the subject really. Back to the inside step.. that is the insider information being or having the ability to be on the inside and getting the word on how people are feeling ie: Daniel Carter playing for Canterbury to win the AIR NZ Cup having the special discovery or knowing of whats going on on the ground. Engari pa ana ki te mahi o te kura reo mau tonu te u o te ra kaua e wareware whakawhanaunga me ki ka mau tonu te kaupapa, tenei te timatanga. Nga Whanau Irimana kei roto i te whare me ki pa ana ki te mahi o te karaehe a Dave "Nga Puhi Kei Roto I te Whare, a, FIERCE & FABULOUS" lol