Mahia a Mahi ki te Whare Waatea - Radio Waatea 603AM Wwell not that we didn't have enough experience for the day I thought I'd take the opportunity too to come in and work again at Whare Waatea. Boy what an interesting experience this was. I thought that this would be an easy assignment. But ah guess what! It was hard. KT said that this could be the mahi for me but u no what I dont' think it is the best job. It is very hard work trying to keep up the brown radar so to speak as Dale Husband would call it. You know. Anyway we gave it all we could Triani and I. I say good luck to her man because I found that hard! Oh well can't say that didn't give it a go. and go say that. Te Kupenga a tangata: I suppose having the networks and knowing people or not being shy to meet people and having the abilities to talk with people would probably be important her. Exploring into what people are doing and whats valuable in what they are doing. Having the insider information to a story is always good ie: the Destiny church having or becoming a Urban Authority with the support of two media broadcasters like John Tamihere and co friend Willie Jackson. Whats weird for me about this taake is that it can actually happen its like hey what is up with that. I feel like my rights as a Maori has been desecrated the whole tapu of Maori has really hit the fan!!! omg. So thats the latest discovery, as long as you have more than 20,000 people you can do this. Well who said the Black Power were stupid! they were on the idea first. Anyway that was my whakaaro I don't know about it now... going off the subject really. Back to the inside step.. that is the insider information being or having the ability to be on the inside and getting the word on how people are feeling ie: Daniel Carter playing for Canterbury to win the AIR NZ Cup having the special discovery or knowing of whats going on on the ground. Engari pa ana ki te mahi o te kura reo mau tonu te u o te ra kaua e wareware whakawhanaunga me ki ka mau tonu te kaupapa, tenei te timatanga. Nga Whanau Irimana kei roto i te whare me ki pa ana ki te mahi o te karaehe a Dave "Nga Puhi Kei Roto I te Whare, a, FIERCE & FABULOUS" lol
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wiki Tekau ma Toru Second Posting
Thursday 24th October what a mean day
Downloading all these videos is fun but man this blog thing is taking its toll. Sometimes the blog doesn't accept your videos so I've spent most of the night trying to download them as it is the last day to have your blog done. Plus I have other mahi to do. Anyway up to date with the blog now. Mean aye! Hope you like it, it seems like it has taken 4 eva but hei aha I am now nearly complete with all my mahi and the feeling of a good accomplishment yay!!! about time. Anyway today's learnings fun revisiting the studios of TVNZ although in a different context got to meet the the purotu version of Mr Julian Wilcox ara a.k.a. E Ta Robbie (mouthwatering) Magasiva of TangataPasifika. Then moved on up to Marae and listened to nga kauhau o te whanau Marae. Ka rawe, what a beautiful office. The kaupapa in there is so ahua pai. Love it in there. I didn't think working in at TVNZ would be me, but now that I've been in and seen the styles and the standard do you know what I think that it is almost doable. Withouth thinking and cutting of your opportunities this is the next best thing and way to go about achieving your dreams aye! this was a great day had a korero with Charles Weusten and Paora Maxwell. Love it.
Downloading all these videos is fun but man this blog thing is taking its toll. Sometimes the blog doesn't accept your videos so I've spent most of the night trying to download them as it is the last day to have your blog done. Plus I have other mahi to do. Anyway up to date with the blog now. Mean aye! Hope you like it, it seems like it has taken 4 eva but hei aha I am now nearly complete with all my mahi and the feeling of a good accomplishment yay!!! about time. Anyway today's learnings fun revisiting the studios of TVNZ although in a different context got to meet the the purotu version of Mr Julian Wilcox ara a.k.a. E Ta Robbie (mouthwatering) Magasiva of TangataPasifika. Then moved on up to Marae and listened to nga kauhau o te whanau Marae. Ka rawe, what a beautiful office. The kaupapa in there is so ahua pai. Love it in there. I didn't think working in at TVNZ would be me, but now that I've been in and seen the styles and the standard do you know what I think that it is almost doable. Withouth thinking and cutting of your opportunities this is the next best thing and way to go about achieving your dreams aye! this was a great day had a korero with Charles Weusten and Paora Maxwell. Love it.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tekau Ma Toru - Te Wiki whakahokia ki te kura
Te Wa whakahokia nei, aue tino taumaha te mahi, engari ki te ngakau e pai rawa, nga pukenga e whakaako me nga mea o te ao papaho maori. It is lovely to see everyone again, and I think everyone is pleased about the experiences shared at kura Reo. What a wonderful experience. Despite my own hardships and having to deal with the difficulty of the degree and speed of learning, having had the time to adjust to the steep learnings, yes it is a pleasing time had. I have learnt heaps. This is the Olympic competition of learning te reo Maori. Man I've had some rough rides of learning but mate this is the crux of the learning of all learnings that I've had 4 sure.
Mahi to finish:
Mahi to finish:
- Poupou story
- childrens story
- Advanced blogging
- Kaitiakitanga tohu Year II
So the heat is on the heat is the heat is on... the heat is
Tekau Ma Rua - Kura Reo Rataka/My Diary Part 2
Journal for Wednesday 31st September 2008
Woh Wednesday 2nd to last day of Kura. The Kura is taking its toll and I'm finding that at times even though it so upgrading this package, the taumahatanga is bringing me down. Why am I here again. How comes its not sinking in!! It's all about retaining the information and can you use it. I can't make sense of anything and I so want to speak English because I know my Maori is not too hot. It's like don't dear speak Maori its no where up there girlfriend. I have a deep deep fear now of performing mau patu in front of everyone like its your test to pass the wananga. Its terrifying me. I so want to go home. So I've decided to go running in the evenings all good. Me Mihaere, and Hamish but it was all good enjoyed it to the max. But have to let the stress run off you know. I wish I could have had more time to let all the matauranga sink in, I needed to go and whakatau like sit on a mountain and release sort of thing. But nonetheless, cuzzy bro Mana was all good and was a good mate to have to release my concerns too. We ended up going to the soda springs at Rotoma it was beautiful az. So cool though it almost went wrong when we ended up in Te Teko but hey all good. I didn't care I wanted to go home.
Thursday - Yay Last day of Kura
Not only is it the last day but a mixture of feelings, not looking 4wrd to our mau patu, I so can't remember a thing my brain is fried and I think I'm getting the flu. I'm freezing and coming down with the flu, but hei aha its drinks tonight. Still along time to go though til the end. Today we had Hiria. Great teacher and enlightening on her teaching, it was actually a lovely finish to the day. I enjoyed having Hiria. I did learn things new and relearned new things but anyway, it does help too if you have a Maori dictioanry, one thing that we should remember to take to a Wananga. No good translating if you havn't got this ha!
Woh Wednesday 2nd to last day of Kura. The Kura is taking its toll and I'm finding that at times even though it so upgrading this package, the taumahatanga is bringing me down. Why am I here again. How comes its not sinking in!! It's all about retaining the information and can you use it. I can't make sense of anything and I so want to speak English because I know my Maori is not too hot. It's like don't dear speak Maori its no where up there girlfriend. I have a deep deep fear now of performing mau patu in front of everyone like its your test to pass the wananga. Its terrifying me. I so want to go home. So I've decided to go running in the evenings all good. Me Mihaere, and Hamish but it was all good enjoyed it to the max. But have to let the stress run off you know. I wish I could have had more time to let all the matauranga sink in, I needed to go and whakatau like sit on a mountain and release sort of thing. But nonetheless, cuzzy bro Mana was all good and was a good mate to have to release my concerns too. We ended up going to the soda springs at Rotoma it was beautiful az. So cool though it almost went wrong when we ended up in Te Teko but hey all good. I didn't care I wanted to go home.
Thursday - Yay Last day of Kura
Not only is it the last day but a mixture of feelings, not looking 4wrd to our mau patu, I so can't remember a thing my brain is fried and I think I'm getting the flu. I'm freezing and coming down with the flu, but hei aha its drinks tonight. Still along time to go though til the end. Today we had Hiria. Great teacher and enlightening on her teaching, it was actually a lovely finish to the day. I enjoyed having Hiria. I did learn things new and relearned new things but anyway, it does help too if you have a Maori dictioanry, one thing that we should remember to take to a Wananga. No good translating if you havn't got this ha!
Wiki Tekau Ma Rua - Kura Reo Rataka / My Kura Diaries
Journal for today Sunday 28th September 2008
Te ra nei e noho ana ki te marae noho o te kura reo. He aha te aha o te ra nei. Prior planning prevents poor performance. Ki tera te mea taake tuatahi kei te ngenge. Ka tae mai te waa e haere ana ki te kura mo te haerenga ki Ihenga, tino poturi ahau. Me engari kaore ahau e reri mo te aromatawai mo nga mahi o te kura.
Inaianei kei te roa nga waa i waenganui nga mahi me na whakaroopu. Engari toku whakaaro tuatahi kaua e ware ware te kaupapa e noho mai nei tuatahi. Nga mahi tuatahi mo te whanau, te mahi o te takiura Manukau me ko wai ahau taku tuakiri. Ko au te uri o nga tupuna, Te Arawa, Nga Puhi, Tainui, Uri o Hau, Ngati Hine I raro I te kaupapa a te Mangai.
Ko te pai o te ahua nei, ka taea a matou e moe engari whakakaa tonu toku rorohiko. E tutaki kotahi pai hoa, pai te ahua pai te kaha me tana reo. He tauira o te Takiura o Waikato, Ko Kawe Tetahi tanga ingoa, he tauira o te tohu BA I roto te Maori media me te communications, pai ana pukenga I te rorohiko.
Rataka mo te ra Ramere 29th September 2008 - Whakatauki / Whakaari
He mahi o te ra nei i timata ai ki te workshop whakatauki. E mahi rereki mo te ahua whakaako engari ki ahau he mahi pai mo te tinana e whaka whenua nga ahuaa, nga ha me te ahua ako. Ki ahau i aku whakaaro he aha ai ano I konei, engari panaia hoki mo tena taake, haere tonu i whakaako, kaore koe e ruku ki oku putu. He aha te ako mo te ranei, kaore koe e matuku mo nga matauranga tapu. Whakarongo titiro engari kaore koe e awangawanga mo te kaupapa.
Teretere te hei patu. Manahau tatou mo tetahi wa te patu kupu whakarite I te wa I kanohi kupu whakarite to arero whakaae te manahau momo taima mahi me mahi rongo tuahatanga momo taima ki te whenua he aha tera aua na pakeke. Aua engari ataahua. He keepa - whakarite ou ringa.
E mau nga mahi o te patu, te ahua o te mau tino uaua. Engari whakarongo tonu te mahi te korero a Tina-Marie me Chris.
Te Ahiahi - whakamaoritia
I te ahiahi i haere ahau ki te karaehe a Wayne Ngata mo te mahi whakamaoritia. He rereke mahi e heke nei. Heoi ano mo te momo ahua o te kupu, tino ataahua ki nga taringa. E kitea nga tohungatanga o te marinating o te whakamaoritia, nga momo ahua mahi tino ataahua, tata mai tangi ahau ki te rongo o nga kupu. Ki ahau e pakari ake te horopaki o nga whakamoritia nga pitopito korero, me nga Whakatauki e tautoko te horopaki o nga tauira e puta mai o nga hoa karaehe tau ke. E puawai oku taringa mo nga ahua whakamaoritia o nga mahi. Ki tenei wa harikoa. E whakamaoritia nga mahi o Wiremu Hakipea, tona mahi a Sonnet tekau ma waru.
Rataka mo te ra Ratu 30th September 2008
I tenei wa, he miharo te wa te kite I te putiputi kotata, heoi nga reo e kotata ki ahau, miharo.
Nga momo ahua mo te korerotia I waenganui I a tatou, nga mea o te ao a nga mea katoa.
E hari ahau mo tenei taake. He tauira nei:
Kei te horoi ahau
Kei te horoia ahau [e taku mä mä ]
Kaore ano au kia korero
Kaore ano au kia korerotia e te iwi
Ko te wahi tenei e tapepea nei. Me ano, te kupu noho: nohoia. Ki ahau e miharo tonu mo te momo ahua o te reo Maori.
Te ra nei e noho ana ki te marae noho o te kura reo. He aha te aha o te ra nei. Prior planning prevents poor performance. Ki tera te mea taake tuatahi kei te ngenge. Ka tae mai te waa e haere ana ki te kura mo te haerenga ki Ihenga, tino poturi ahau. Me engari kaore ahau e reri mo te aromatawai mo nga mahi o te kura.
Inaianei kei te roa nga waa i waenganui nga mahi me na whakaroopu. Engari toku whakaaro tuatahi kaua e ware ware te kaupapa e noho mai nei tuatahi. Nga mahi tuatahi mo te whanau, te mahi o te takiura Manukau me ko wai ahau taku tuakiri. Ko au te uri o nga tupuna, Te Arawa, Nga Puhi, Tainui, Uri o Hau, Ngati Hine I raro I te kaupapa a te Mangai.
Ko te pai o te ahua nei, ka taea a matou e moe engari whakakaa tonu toku rorohiko. E tutaki kotahi pai hoa, pai te ahua pai te kaha me tana reo. He tauira o te Takiura o Waikato, Ko Kawe Tetahi tanga ingoa, he tauira o te tohu BA I roto te Maori media me te communications, pai ana pukenga I te rorohiko.
Rataka mo te ra Ramere 29th September 2008 - Whakatauki / Whakaari
He mahi o te ra nei i timata ai ki te workshop whakatauki. E mahi rereki mo te ahua whakaako engari ki ahau he mahi pai mo te tinana e whaka whenua nga ahuaa, nga ha me te ahua ako. Ki ahau i aku whakaaro he aha ai ano I konei, engari panaia hoki mo tena taake, haere tonu i whakaako, kaore koe e ruku ki oku putu. He aha te ako mo te ranei, kaore koe e matuku mo nga matauranga tapu. Whakarongo titiro engari kaore koe e awangawanga mo te kaupapa.
Teretere te hei patu. Manahau tatou mo tetahi wa te patu kupu whakarite I te wa I kanohi kupu whakarite to arero whakaae te manahau momo taima mahi me mahi rongo tuahatanga momo taima ki te whenua he aha tera aua na pakeke. Aua engari ataahua. He keepa - whakarite ou ringa.
E mau nga mahi o te patu, te ahua o te mau tino uaua. Engari whakarongo tonu te mahi te korero a Tina-Marie me Chris.
Te Ahiahi - whakamaoritia
I te ahiahi i haere ahau ki te karaehe a Wayne Ngata mo te mahi whakamaoritia. He rereke mahi e heke nei. Heoi ano mo te momo ahua o te kupu, tino ataahua ki nga taringa. E kitea nga tohungatanga o te marinating o te whakamaoritia, nga momo ahua mahi tino ataahua, tata mai tangi ahau ki te rongo o nga kupu. Ki ahau e pakari ake te horopaki o nga whakamoritia nga pitopito korero, me nga Whakatauki e tautoko te horopaki o nga tauira e puta mai o nga hoa karaehe tau ke. E puawai oku taringa mo nga ahua whakamaoritia o nga mahi. Ki tenei wa harikoa. E whakamaoritia nga mahi o Wiremu Hakipea, tona mahi a Sonnet tekau ma waru.
Rataka mo te ra Ratu 30th September 2008
I tenei wa, he miharo te wa te kite I te putiputi kotata, heoi nga reo e kotata ki ahau, miharo.
Nga momo ahua mo te korerotia I waenganui I a tatou, nga mea o te ao a nga mea katoa.
E hari ahau mo tenei taake. He tauira nei:
Kei te horoi ahau
Kei te horoia ahau [e taku mä mä ]
Kaore ano au kia korero
Kaore ano au kia korerotia e te iwi
Ko te wahi tenei e tapepea nei. Me ano, te kupu noho: nohoia. Ki ahau e miharo tonu mo te momo ahua o te reo Maori.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wiki Tekau ma Tahi - Tae mai te Waa Kura REO!!!
W8n w8n w8n... not only is it cold this particular morning though the sun is shining it is blinkin daylight savings. Dad is blowing his trumpet cos Nicole needed a ride and he had 2 get 2 church 2 do 3 iriiri and guess what I didn't turn up cos i piked up nicole oh well... he had ma bday pressie 2... $100 woohoo i'm rich... ne way daylight savings and trips 2 Rotorua don't work w8n on up nearly a hour 4 the arrival of not just the van man and other students really makes me spew.. fark! Made it to Kura it all seems very cool but man you soon see who is doing all the moving and the shaking once you get there. All the celebrities and Maori teachers come from out of the wood works as far as Wikitoria and even others from Waitaha (Christchurch Polytech).
So far so good all of it seems pretty straight forward. Its a little awkward being yourself but hei aha everyone is feeling like they are a bit uncomfortable here in the marae. The pressure begins!
So far so good all of it seems pretty straight forward. Its a little awkward being yourself but hei aha everyone is feeling like they are a bit uncomfortable here in the marae. The pressure begins!
Wiki Tekau – September 23, 2008 Stressful Video Time
Memory and memory. 3 simple words, but alas, a new directory is where I will live. I now officially live on the art school server, where that is I’m not sure! =) Despite the hard work, some of the technical aspects of my movie weren’t too good. Didn’t use the tripod basic things. When you’re doing the work though you don’t really notice it that much but hei aha. Gave it a go.
Although staying back to do all this mahi meant a bit of sacrifice and a couple of days of forgetting to pick up my children on time, I kinda enjoyed the ride omg is that weird! (check ma pulse, check ma blinkn mind!) Neway had 2 ring ma Dad 2 pik up ma girl was 3.45 & Imee finished @ 3.10pm . Chucked my DVD @ Dave and says Dave here it is catch u later I gotta go and get ma baby b4 someone steals her! Thankfully ma Dad had the nouse 2 go and pik her up. I later had 2 face the music. But all in all it was worth it. Thursday got the opportunity to watch a few the classmates videos. Koha’s was mean. I said that should go to IAM tV cos that is what should be on TV. Ne WAY…. GUESS WHAT! It;’s Kura REO TIME!!! ITS showtime!!!!
Although staying back to do all this mahi meant a bit of sacrifice and a couple of days of forgetting to pick up my children on time, I kinda enjoyed the ride omg is that weird! (check ma pulse, check ma blinkn mind!) Neway had 2 ring ma Dad 2 pik up ma girl was 3.45 & Imee finished @ 3.10pm . Chucked my DVD @ Dave and says Dave here it is catch u later I gotta go and get ma baby b4 someone steals her! Thankfully ma Dad had the nouse 2 go and pik her up. I later had 2 face the music. But all in all it was worth it. Thursday got the opportunity to watch a few the classmates videos. Koha’s was mean. I said that should go to IAM tV cos that is what should be on TV. Ne WAY…. GUESS WHAT! It;’s Kura REO TIME!!! ITS showtime!!!!
Wiki Tua Iwa - September 22, 2008 Video Time
This week trying to keep ahead of the work load by starting my video story. Wasn't too bad despite I had been given the wrong video machine. Lynn was away so ended up with the wrong video. There was a issue with the cameras of which I knew that this would happen why I started my earlier.
Got all my work done, but unfortunately it all ended up being quite a bit of work. Not because I got heaps of interviewees but the fact of the matter was to condense the amount of mahi under 10 minutes was a bit much. I did quite alot of learning here which was great got to know the software well. But was frustrating at times trying to do things I wanted in what limited time.
None theless got there in the end ha!
Got all my work done, but unfortunately it all ended up being quite a bit of work. Not because I got heaps of interviewees but the fact of the matter was to condense the amount of mahi under 10 minutes was a bit much. I did quite alot of learning here which was great got to know the software well. But was frustrating at times trying to do things I wanted in what limited time.
None theless got there in the end ha!
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