Initially my first thoughts about having scholarships to encourage Maori and Non Maori to learn te Reo Maori would be great and that half of my Maori Media course would be free. But unfortunately the Canterbury University Scholarships is for te reo Maori only and so would only fit te reo maori criteria of the the Maori Media diploma. Given that though the revitalisation of te reo Maori is utmost
Canterbury University is offering 300 scholarships to encourage students to learn te reo Maori.Rawiri Taonui, the head of the school of Maori and indigenous studies Aotahi, says the $70,000 programme is seen as an effective way to get more Maori spoken in and around Otautahi. He says while many universities offer language courses, scholarships provide added incentive.“Te reo is important for the development and revitalisation of Maori. It’s also important for Pakeha people and non-Maori to study to reo, because that’s part of our future, speaking to each other in both languages,” associate professor Taonui says.