Saturday, December 11, 2010
Ko te Pire o te Takutaimoana ko te wahi o te Takutaimoana arā te Marine Coastal Bill
Kaare au te tino mohio o tēnei pire, i whakaarohia, he momo whakanekehanga ki mua i pa ana ki ngā torangapū o te takutaimoana, no reira he aha te ngako o tēnei pire, o tēnei ture hoki? He aha te whakamāramatanga o te ture i runga i a tātou te Iwi Māori. Ka heke mai he tau hou, ka heke mai he pire hou. Kei a tatou nga kaitorangapu me pehea ou ratou whakaaro o tēnei pire.
E kitea kē tetahi tangata e ruaki ki te kitea o te takutai moana pire, nō reira pehea a tatou Ngai Iwi Māori i te whakautu o tēnei ruakitanga o te Pakeha, ka haere ki te United Nations hei whakahaerehia i te pire o tēnei ture.
Ko tēnei whakautu nekehanga o te pōna, he pakaritanga e rere ana mai te kaituhi, te kamupene o te Niupēpa "The Marlborough Xpress".
Ko tētahi whainga o tēnei pire hei whakapiki ake i te raruraru o te pire o te Pāti Reipa arā ko te Takautai Moana Seabed and Foreshore.
Ko Tom Morrison te koromatua o tēnei rohe a Marlborough te tangata i pūpu ake tēnei raru ki te ao. Ko te awangawanga o ēnei tangata i mahi ana i roto i te ao o Tangaroa, e pa ana i te kare a roto te whakaitihia o te tangata tauiwi e pa ana ki te tango kai o tēnei rohe, na, ka peehi rawa te katoa o te motu hei hoopu i te kai o Tangaroa.
Ara, ko tēnei te taake hei raruraru ai i te timatanga ko wai, no wai o ngā tangata ka taea te tango i te kai a Tangaroa. E hiahia ana nga tauiwi kaare ratou i whanau mai nei i Aotearoa nei, engari ratou e hiahia ana i te hua mai o ngā kai e hoko atu.
Ko te take e whakaatu atu ki Ngai Iwi Maori hei whakatō i to mana hei ahei ana koe i te tango i te kaimoana Tangaroa. Ā ka taea e koe i te taunakihia i te mana whenua o te rohe o te Takutai Moana a ake ne pea ka taea e koe i te mahi. Kaare koe i taunakihia mai tēnei marae mai tēnei rohe ā he tāke.
Kei te rangona i te karere a te Pāti Reipa i te tango ta ratou tunga o tēnei Pire he whai whakaaro o ratou tu o tēnei taake. E panuihia i te tautoko a te Maori Pāti i te tango tautoko mo tēnei Pire, ka taka tēnei pire, ka waiho.
Ka tapiri ki tēnei karere o te Takutai, he whai whakaaro o tērā o te tangata Tākuta Hugh Barr ka puta mai te raruraru o te Pakeha ka taea te Tauiwi ka tu mo te e4 miniti kē, ka hoki ki te taha o te Māori ratou ka taea ka ahei i te tū mo te wa roa. E hoha pea tēnei tangata i te hakarongo i tēnei tāke o te Māori.
Anei ko tēnei te ngako o te pire:
E kitea kē tetahi tangata e ruaki ki te kitea o te takutai moana pire, nō reira pehea a tatou Ngai Iwi Māori i te whakautu o tēnei ruakitanga o te Pakeha, ka haere ki te United Nations hei whakahaerehia i te pire o tēnei ture.
Ko tēnei whakautu nekehanga o te pōna, he pakaritanga e rere ana mai te kaituhi, te kamupene o te Niupēpa "The Marlborough Xpress".
Ko tētahi whainga o tēnei pire hei whakapiki ake i te raruraru o te pire o te Pāti Reipa arā ko te Takautai Moana Seabed and Foreshore.
Ko Tom Morrison te koromatua o tēnei rohe a Marlborough te tangata i pūpu ake tēnei raru ki te ao. Ko te awangawanga o ēnei tangata i mahi ana i roto i te ao o Tangaroa, e pa ana i te kare a roto te whakaitihia o te tangata tauiwi e pa ana ki te tango kai o tēnei rohe, na, ka peehi rawa te katoa o te motu hei hoopu i te kai o Tangaroa.
Ara, ko tēnei te taake hei raruraru ai i te timatanga ko wai, no wai o ngā tangata ka taea te tango i te kai a Tangaroa. E hiahia ana nga tauiwi kaare ratou i whanau mai nei i Aotearoa nei, engari ratou e hiahia ana i te hua mai o ngā kai e hoko atu.
Ko te take e whakaatu atu ki Ngai Iwi Maori hei whakatō i to mana hei ahei ana koe i te tango i te kaimoana Tangaroa. Ā ka taea e koe i te taunakihia i te mana whenua o te rohe o te Takutai Moana a ake ne pea ka taea e koe i te mahi. Kaare koe i taunakihia mai tēnei marae mai tēnei rohe ā he tāke.
Kei te rangona i te karere a te Pāti Reipa i te tango ta ratou tunga o tēnei Pire he whai whakaaro o ratou tu o tēnei taake. E panuihia i te tautoko a te Maori Pāti i te tango tautoko mo tēnei Pire, ka taka tēnei pire, ka waiho.
Ka tapiri ki tēnei karere o te Takutai, he whai whakaaro o tērā o te tangata Tākuta Hugh Barr ka puta mai te raruraru o te Pakeha ka taea te Tauiwi ka tu mo te e4 miniti kē, ka hoki ki te taha o te Māori ratou ka taea ka ahei i te tū mo te wa roa. E hoha pea tēnei tangata i te hakarongo i tēnei tāke o te Māori.
Anei ko tēnei te ngako o te pire:
- Ka waiho i te Karauna te mana whakahaere o te Takutai Moana na ma te mana whenua ka taea i te haerehia o te Takutai
- Ka ahei i te Iwi ka tono mo te mana whakahaere o te Takutai Moana, me ma te Minita o te Takutai ka ahei i te mana whakahaere
- Ka ahei e te Iwi Mana haere i te whakato ngā rohe tata atu i te wahanga o te Takutai e to ana
- Ka ahei i te mana o te Takutai engari horekau he whenua e pa ki te Takutai engari he wahi o mua o te mana whakahaere
- Ka ahei i te rahui o etahi wahi
He pire tino whakahirahira i tēnei wa ko ērā o nga mana motuhaketanga o ngai Iwi o Aotearoa. Ka ahei i te komiti i te whakaroaroa te wa mo te tino whakaaetanga o ngai Iwi katoa e ki mai a Tākuta Barr.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Kia ora te ao hikoreta
He wa roa ano ki te haere mai nei engari ka waihoia etahi atu mahi kua kau ake era atu. Kupu hou: Ringa rehe tera o te ringa raupa?
I whakaarohia ka tapiri ano tetahi pikitia no reira ki te rautaki a Haka Fitness anei:
I whakaarohia ka tapiri ano tetahi pikitia no reira ki te rautaki a Haka Fitness anei:
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Kua pau te werawera
E mara! Ko te po o te wa e pau ana, e haere mai ahau i runga i konei aha ranei te mea toko maha o nga mahi.
Okea ururoatia, ana, ko te whakamarama. Tino whakapaua o kaha kiaputa to ihu, kia kore to kaupapa a koe tonu ranei e hinga. Karawhiua ana!
No reira me haere tonu ahau, e whakahoki ki te mahi, ihu ki raro, paua aku ringa, tou ki runga me ki.
Okea ururoatia, ana, ko te whakamarama. Tino whakapaua o kaha kiaputa to ihu, kia kore to kaupapa a koe tonu ranei e hinga. Karawhiua ana!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Undermining our own economics in Aotearoa in terms of third world countires

Do we want to improve infrastructure in Aotearoa? Sounds like that is what Hone Kii wants? But what does he really mean. Will it assist te iwi Maori, do we have access, will it improve maori criminal statistics and will Ngai Maori be considered when the red tape is lifted?
The environment, lifting productivity, declining baseline, operating efficiently including improvements in policy. Base lining in government terms is funding so could be $30million, so over the next 3 years in will go down and you have to stick to the budget. there could be $5 million on top for other operating projects. So the baseline is the base of funding. Labour Govt however wanted to increase its capacity didn't want Maori National is into less beaureacracy.
Priorities are alot lesser.
Improving NZs freshwater management
Developing an EPA, vote climate change.
maori invovlement, matauranga maori, resource management and aligning the government priorities, aligning broad policies? So how much money do they need?
Minister levels to set these processes up. Its about putting your bids in at policy level, to your policy managers, strategically budgetting your policies. Knowing how to position your money in a government level. No performance no funding.
How does Maori have an influence on Hone's whakaaro, nga putea, the planning cycle and annually from the budget through to March the announcements in July 2011. You need to start planning now to get your appointments for January 2011.
So our days such as the 25th at Ratana and the Waitangi day celebrations are important 2 help portray your views to government in terms of Maori.
This is the executive summary explaining about the budget:
Executive Summary
New Zealand is on the road to recovery. The worst of the global economic and financial crisis now looks to have passed. The new Government’s first year was devoted to weathering the recession, helping New Zealanders keep their jobs and assisting them to find new ones.The Government's emphasis is now shifting towards getting the economy growing again and ensuring that this growth is higher and more sustainable than New Zealand has seen in recent years. Growth matters because it creates jobs, increases incomes and improves the living standards of New Zealand families.
The updated Treasury forecasts show that both growth and New Zealand's fiscal outlook are better than previously expected. This is for two reasons: the global economy has stabilised and government initiatives of the past year to fight the recession have borne fruit.
However, this does not mean that all the problems of the recession have passed. The risks that growth could weaken again remain. Unemployment is forecast to peak sooner and lower than predicted previously but will remain at elevated levels throughout 2010, even as the economy improves. The year ahead will still be difficult for many New Zealanders.
The fiscal position also remains challenging. Budget 2009 stopped the growth of low-value government spending and provided a credible programme to contain debt levels. Even so, the forecast operating deficit for 2010/11 is $6.7 billion and the Government's accounts are not expected to return to surplus until 2016. This is despite the projections assuming both long term restraint in spending and an upwards creep in average tax rates caused by increasing numbers of taxpayers entering the top tax brackets. There is little room for slippage.
We have implemented a significant programme to get through the recession in better shape than most other developed countries and we are now building on that programme to ensure New Zealand achieves a step-change in its economic performance.
This includes:
- investment in productive infrastructure
- removing red tape and improving regulation
- supporting business innovation and trade
- improving education and lifting skills
- lifting productivity and improving services in the public sector, and
- strengthening the tax system.
Budget 2010 will set out the next steps in the Government's growth strategy while continuing the emphasis on sound public finances heralded in Budget 2009.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Te tino whakahaerehiatanga o te Kairiwhi Whaea Emma
Tona mea ahuatanga o te whakahaerehia akomanga, koia te tino tangata e mohio ana e uru atu i roto i nga pia o te tau 6 -7 ko Ngatoa nga tuakmana me Te Mahuri nga teina. Ratou nga tino pia o te ao e heke mai nga rangatira o te ao. Kei tenei takiwa nga decile one kura o tenei taha o Akarana.
Kei te ringa a Whaea Emma he tino wheako ngapuhi, ngapuhi te reo, ngapuhi te ahuatanga maori. A ka haerehia nga korero, nga kemu brain gym (ki ahau brain drain), me te wa watea e whitiwhiti korero mo te wa 5 miniti, ka hoki ki te kaupapa nei:
- nga whiore
- me te karawatanga
Kei te ringa a Whaea Emma he tino wheako ngapuhi, ngapuhi te reo, ngapuhi te ahuatanga maori. A ka haerehia nga korero, nga kemu brain gym (ki ahau brain drain), me te wa watea e whitiwhiti korero mo te wa 5 miniti, ka hoki ki te kaupapa nei:
- tuhi i nga pu katoa
- noho tonu ki roto tenei momo tuhi, tuhi-a-ringa
- Whai tenei i nga ahuatanga nei
- nga whiore
- me te karawatanga
- tuhi e wha (4) nga kowae
- whakatika i au mahi mai te pene whero.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Mayor Len Browns Electronic Age
I believe the Manukau Mayor's step toward the electronic age is great step. His acceptance of the electronic world and his ability to take on board the new trends of today is a smart and simple move. The mayor or Mayor's are usually seen as old and fuddy duddy and ruddy characteristic looking people. Not quite the case in Mayor Len Brown's situation. Do you think this is a brave move?
The site public informs his personal address (what does this teach our children, internet safety never disclose your infomation to the electronic world?).
I so believe that this avenue is a successful one. No journalists comments or secretarial tones or natures on this blog, he's addicted personally. But I certainly believe that this is a great look for Mr Brown and I think soon to be Auckland supercity Mayor.
Following on from his facebook page which has up to 4000 people on it his blog is very informative with information about necessary work going on in the council, his personal work load evident withpictures of photos with children. Doing school visits etc etc. He is certainly doing his homework and ticking all the necessary boxes. Excellent.
So what and how do you feel the Manukau City Council office is running. I know some of my experiences with the Council hasn't been that great, but I haven't applied for a resource consent lately (not that I am intending), I'm not intending to require a building consent. Other than the couple of late night calls to the Manukau City Council customer service line regarding noise complaints I think the back yard is pretty much in good stead. How does this happen?
This seems so unlikely now that Manukau will turn into and be a part of the Auckland Supercity? Will the Manukau City Council Airport shares be dispersed into the Auckland Supercity funding? Is this the secret to his success the financial regard of the success of the Airport shares perhaps.
Then there was the heart attack scare at the TelstraClear Centre two years ago, who could forget that. He does and has leaped in bounds.
The affects of the electronic world are only to help benefit his already public profile. His high regard is comfortable with his facebookers he seems very honest and open. Building a clear relationship with his people I believe he is a great Maori leader (hahaha lol I love the last words).
The site public informs his personal address (what does this teach our children, internet safety never disclose your infomation to the electronic world?).
I so believe that this avenue is a successful one. No journalists comments or secretarial tones or natures on this blog, he's addicted personally. But I certainly believe that this is a great look for Mr Brown and I think soon to be Auckland supercity Mayor.
Following on from his facebook page which has up to 4000 people on it his blog is very informative with information about necessary work going on in the council, his personal work load evident withpictures of photos with children. Doing school visits etc etc. He is certainly doing his homework and ticking all the necessary boxes. Excellent.
So what and how do you feel the Manukau City Council office is running. I know some of my experiences with the Council hasn't been that great, but I haven't applied for a resource consent lately (not that I am intending), I'm not intending to require a building consent. Other than the couple of late night calls to the Manukau City Council customer service line regarding noise complaints I think the back yard is pretty much in good stead. How does this happen?
This seems so unlikely now that Manukau will turn into and be a part of the Auckland Supercity? Will the Manukau City Council Airport shares be dispersed into the Auckland Supercity funding? Is this the secret to his success the financial regard of the success of the Airport shares perhaps.
Then there was the heart attack scare at the TelstraClear Centre two years ago, who could forget that. He does and has leaped in bounds.
The affects of the electronic world are only to help benefit his already public profile. His high regard is comfortable with his facebookers he seems very honest and open. Building a clear relationship with his people I believe he is a great Maori leader (hahaha lol I love the last words).
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Pre Ro Kura - He wa taimaha ano!
Kia ora tatou katoa o te ao waha papa.
Ko te ahuatanga i tau ana i runga au i tenei wa ko nga korero e kau ana pa ana ki te Pirimia Hone Ki. He aha ai e ia e whakapuakina mai pera, ko te hupa tona ahuatanga no te mea kua whatingia tona pati ki nga tautohetohe o te kereme o waitangi Tripunera. Aii! Tupato Hone, ou hoa Maori ka whakaatatau tou arero e kara kaare te pai tera. Heoi ano, ko te mea nui anaianei ko te kaha, kia tu kia maro ka haere. Tuku aroha ki te iwi a ka tau. Heoi ano, e Ki kaore au e tuhi tenei. Aue John... me ki me ki!
Ko nga taironga mataara e wawewawea i ahau naianei ko te aroha ranei te kore aroha mo ta tatou kaumatua. Ko te tino miharo i puawai mai ki ahau o nga koro me nga kuia e pakanga ora ai ki te tutuki kore tautoko ki a raua ki a Frank raua ko Nelma Woodfield. Ki ahau, tino ataahua raua ki te awhina ia raua, i whakaarohia, ae marika haramai ki taku whare, maku e awhi taua, geez tino papouri. Me te tumeke ake, raua kihae e maori mai ko te tauiwi.
Tatou ki a tatou ne.
Ko te ahuatanga i tau ana i runga au i tenei wa ko nga korero e kau ana pa ana ki te Pirimia Hone Ki. He aha ai e ia e whakapuakina mai pera, ko te hupa tona ahuatanga no te mea kua whatingia tona pati ki nga tautohetohe o te kereme o waitangi Tripunera. Aii! Tupato Hone, ou hoa Maori ka whakaatatau tou arero e kara kaare te pai tera. Heoi ano, ko te mea nui anaianei ko te kaha, kia tu kia maro ka haere. Tuku aroha ki te iwi a ka tau. Heoi ano, e Ki kaore au e tuhi tenei. Aue John... me ki me ki!
Ko nga taironga mataara e wawewawea i ahau naianei ko te aroha ranei te kore aroha mo ta tatou kaumatua. Ko te tino miharo i puawai mai ki ahau o nga koro me nga kuia e pakanga ora ai ki te tutuki kore tautoko ki a raua ki a Frank raua ko Nelma Woodfield. Ki ahau, tino ataahua raua ki te awhina ia raua, i whakaarohia, ae marika haramai ki taku whare, maku e awhi taua, geez tino papouri. Me te tumeke ake, raua kihae e maori mai ko te tauiwi.
Tatou ki a tatou ne.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Poi E me te Pikitia "Boy" piki ki te taumata
Te waiata rongonui ko "Poi E" i titoa a Dalvanius Prime i kuhua mai i roto i te ao Hurihuri. He tino tohu ano kia piki i a tekau tau, i runga te NZ Charts. Ko te waiata i waiatatia mai te Karapu o Patea Maori e piki ake ano i runga te charts, ma te pikitia Boy.
Ko te pikitia i hanga na Taika Waititi he tino pikitia kia pakanga nga tohu o te whenua nei, tuatahi mo te tari putea i 25 March ko te pakanga te taumata $4,090,114 mo nga tikiti. Ko te korero "shut up u egg" nga kiwaha hoki e whakapuaki i roto e tino ohorere, me rongonui o enei wa.
I tuhi a Waititi ka uru i te top 40 a Poi E e tumanako e piki ki te taumata a te Kerihimete.
Ko te pikitia i hanga na Taika Waititi he tino pikitia kia pakanga nga tohu o te whenua nei, tuatahi mo te tari putea i 25 March ko te pakanga te taumata $4,090,114 mo nga tikiti. Ko te korero "shut up u egg" nga kiwaha hoki e whakapuaki i roto e tino ohorere, me rongonui o enei wa.
I tuhi a Waititi ka uru i te top 40 a Poi E e tumanako e piki ki te taumata a te Kerihimete.
Te Heke mai te ra Nui o nga Anzacs ka heke mai a Willie
Ko te tangata e hari i te ngakau, ki nga waahine Maori pea he tino purotu tangata tonu, kia kitenga te painga o tana mahi, ko te kai, kia kitea te taumaha ki tona tinana. Engari tona ngakau tino whanui ki te awhina atu ki ngaa taangata kore tu.
Roa ana makawe naianei, engari tona mahi tumatauenga tuku rangimarie he mahi ohorere tonu i waenga nga panga o te ao. FLight NZ1 e pa mai ki aotearoa nei i tenei ra. Koia tetahi tangata i runga tenei haerenga ki konei. Ka noho ki ranana i te taha o tona wahine rangatira me ana whanau.
Pai ki te kite a Apiata me tona whanau ki te whakanuia te ra Anzac.
Te tino tangata o te Whakatohea
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Ko te tau hou, ko te wa hou, he aha nga tini arotahi ki a tatou te iwi Maori mo te tau 2010
Kia ora tatou ano. Ki toku matauranga ki oku whakaaro, ko tenei wahanga o te tau he wa piki ake tonu ki te taumata ki toku oranga hoki. He aha ai, na te mea ko toku kore whakarautakihia mo nga moemoea. Koira te ahuatanga o enei wa, o te wa e heke mai.
A ko tetehi he wa matuku ka tutukingia nga wero, nga tini moemoea, engari, ka haereere i waenganui nga piki me nga heke, ka whakamatautauhia ou wheako ou oranga hinengaro hoki. I waenganui te hararei, kia kitea e au ki te whanau rangatahi ka piki ake, ko te tino arotahi kia whakamataarahia i aroaro i mua i a tatou, ko te tino hihiri, ki te oranga. Na reira, koira te arotahi ka haere, kia pupuri ki nga kupu mai ta tatou tupuna.
I whakaaro i roto i aku mohio ki te uauatanga pana ki te oranga, engari ka haere ki te arotahi matua o ou moemoea, ka taea e koe ki nga whakaaro maumahara, kia whakapoto ou hiahia, me whakahoki ki ou moemoea ia po ia po kia whakakaha, whakapiata ki tou pinati.
He pai tauira kia whakatere tou haerenga ki tou rautaki moemoea, a ka kupengahia ou pukenga ki ou moemoea a korerohia ou whakaaro, whakaihuoneone ki te kaupapa. Kia mohio ki te kaupapa kia whakaritehia ou mahi ma te mahi e koe e mahia ana. Kia whakawhaiti o arotahi e te tuatahi. Kaare koe e matautau ana e koe ki nga pukenga hou, a ka hinga. A atawanangahia nga kaupapa kia hononga e koe ki te kaupapa.
Ko te kaupapa maori ka whakangungu nga whanau nga tangata i mua ia koe, a tona wa, ma te mahi, ka heke mai nei nga taonga, nga korero ka whakareka te kumara (kia koe, ko te momona wahine e waiatatia). Kaore te pai kia kitea ki wetahi atu tangata orite ki tou kaupapa, engari, kia kaha e koe ki tou hiahia, ki ou ahutangata e mahi ana, a ka haere. Kia whakaponohia ou whakaaro ki te kaupapa ka haere.
Ko etahi arotahi mo tenei tau:
A ko tetehi he wa matuku ka tutukingia nga wero, nga tini moemoea, engari, ka haereere i waenganui nga piki me nga heke, ka whakamatautauhia ou wheako ou oranga hinengaro hoki. I waenganui te hararei, kia kitea e au ki te whanau rangatahi ka piki ake, ko te tino arotahi kia whakamataarahia i aroaro i mua i a tatou, ko te tino hihiri, ki te oranga. Na reira, koira te arotahi ka haere, kia pupuri ki nga kupu mai ta tatou tupuna.
I whakaaro i roto i aku mohio ki te uauatanga pana ki te oranga, engari ka haere ki te arotahi matua o ou moemoea, ka taea e koe ki nga whakaaro maumahara, kia whakapoto ou hiahia, me whakahoki ki ou moemoea ia po ia po kia whakakaha, whakapiata ki tou pinati.
He pai tauira kia whakatere tou haerenga ki tou rautaki moemoea, a ka kupengahia ou pukenga ki ou moemoea a korerohia ou whakaaro, whakaihuoneone ki te kaupapa. Kia mohio ki te kaupapa kia whakaritehia ou mahi ma te mahi e koe e mahia ana. Kia whakawhaiti o arotahi e te tuatahi. Kaare koe e matautau ana e koe ki nga pukenga hou, a ka hinga. A atawanangahia nga kaupapa kia hononga e koe ki te kaupapa.
Ko te kaupapa maori ka whakangungu nga whanau nga tangata i mua ia koe, a tona wa, ma te mahi, ka heke mai nei nga taonga, nga korero ka whakareka te kumara (kia koe, ko te momona wahine e waiatatia). Kaore te pai kia kitea ki wetahi atu tangata orite ki tou kaupapa, engari, kia kaha e koe ki tou hiahia, ki ou ahutangata e mahi ana, a ka haere. Kia whakaponohia ou whakaaro ki te kaupapa ka haere.
Ko etahi arotahi mo tenei tau:
- Ko te kaunihera nunui o Tamaki Makaurau.
- Ko te ahutanga o te ao, Global kaitiakitanga o te ao, climate change
- Ko te whakaora ai o te reo Maori, ko tenei he kaupapa nui.
- Me ano hoki te kapu o te ao Whutu Poro 2011 kei Aotearoa nei me te umanga pa ana ki tenei kaupapa.
Otira te ahuatanga o nga tini mata ki nga torangapu o enei kaupapa, kei a tatou tetahi wero, ki nga whenua maori, ki te wai maori, ki te kaimoana hoki. He huarahi roa kia hikoikoi ana. Ki tetehi takiwa ki tetehi atu, kia u ki te kaupapa, kia whakapono ki o koutou manawa.
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