Monday, May 24, 2010

Te tino whakahaerehiatanga o te Kairiwhi Whaea Emma

Tona mea ahuatanga o te whakahaerehia akomanga, koia te tino tangata e mohio ana e uru atu i roto i nga pia o te tau 6 -7 ko Ngatoa nga tuakmana me Te Mahuri nga teina.  Ratou nga tino pia o te ao e heke mai nga rangatira o te ao. Kei tenei takiwa nga decile one kura o tenei taha o Akarana. 
Kei te ringa a Whaea Emma he tino wheako ngapuhi, ngapuhi te reo, ngapuhi te ahuatanga maori.  A ka haerehia nga korero, nga kemu brain gym (ki ahau brain drain), me te wa watea e whitiwhiti korero mo te wa 5 miniti, ka hoki ki te kaupapa nei:

  1. tuhi i nga pu katoa
  2. noho tonu ki roto tenei momo tuhi, tuhi-a-ringa
  3. Whai tenei i nga ahuatanga nei
- titaha
- nga whiore
- me te karawatanga
  1. tuhi e wha (4) nga kowae
  2. whakatika i au mahi mai te pene whero.
Tumeke rawa atu te wheako a whaea Emma.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mayor Len Browns Electronic Age

I believe the Manukau Mayor's step toward the electronic age is great step.  His acceptance of the electronic world and his ability to take on board the new trends of today is a smart and simple move.  The mayor or Mayor's are usually seen as old and fuddy duddy and ruddy characteristic looking people.  Not quite the case in Mayor Len Brown's situation.  Do you think this is a brave move?
The site public informs his personal address (what does this teach our children, internet safety never disclose your infomation to the electronic world?).
I so believe that this avenue is a successful one.  No journalists comments or secretarial tones or natures on this blog, he's addicted personally.  But I certainly believe that this is a great look for Mr Brown and I think soon to be Auckland supercity Mayor.
Following on from his facebook page which has up to 4000 people on it his blog is very informative with information about necessary work going on in the council, his personal work load evident withpictures of photos with children.  Doing school visits etc etc.  He is certainly doing his homework and ticking all the necessary boxes.  Excellent.
So what and how do you feel the Manukau City Council office is running.  I know some of my experiences with the Council hasn't been that great, but I haven't applied for a resource consent lately (not that I am intending), I'm not intending to require a building consent.  Other than the couple of late night calls to the Manukau City Council customer service line regarding noise complaints I think the back yard is pretty much in good stead.  How does this happen?
This seems so unlikely now that Manukau will turn into and be a part of the Auckland Supercity?  Will the Manukau City Council Airport shares be dispersed into the Auckland Supercity funding?  Is this the secret to his success the financial regard of the success of the Airport shares perhaps. 
Then there was the heart attack scare at the TelstraClear Centre two years ago, who could forget that.  He does and has leaped in bounds.
The affects of the electronic world are only to help benefit his already public profile.  His high regard is comfortable with his facebookers he seems very honest and open.  Building a clear relationship with his people I believe he is a great Maori leader (hahaha lol I love the last words).

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pre Ro Kura - He wa taimaha ano!

Kia ora tatou katoa o te ao waha papa.

Ko te ahuatanga i tau ana i runga au i tenei wa ko nga korero e kau ana pa ana ki te Pirimia Hone Ki.  He aha ai e ia e whakapuakina mai pera, ko te hupa tona ahuatanga no te mea kua whatingia tona pati ki nga tautohetohe o te kereme o waitangi Tripunera.  Aii!  Tupato Hone, ou hoa Maori ka whakaatatau tou arero e kara kaare te pai tera.  Heoi ano, ko te mea nui anaianei ko te kaha, kia tu kia maro ka haere.  Tuku aroha ki te iwi a ka tau. Heoi ano, e Ki kaore au e tuhi tenei.  Aue John... me ki me ki!
Ko nga taironga mataara e wawewawea i ahau naianei ko te aroha ranei te kore aroha mo ta tatou kaumatua.  Ko te tino miharo i puawai mai ki ahau o nga koro me nga kuia e pakanga ora ai ki te tutuki kore tautoko ki a raua ki a Frank raua ko Nelma Woodfield.  Ki ahau, tino ataahua raua ki te awhina ia raua, i whakaarohia, ae marika haramai ki taku whare, maku e awhi taua, geez tino papouri.  Me te tumeke ake, raua kihae e maori mai ko te tauiwi. 
Tatou ki a tatou ne.