Kia ora te whanau o Manukau Kaiwhakahaere,
Arohamai, whanau if I haven't been in touch but here is the latest with regards to blogging. Hope you enjoy it. Well I'm in amongst the American Presidential campaign with the media team here at TK @ MTS, so far so good, its quite exciting bn in whr it all happens... its like u nd 2 email everyone and text everybody and email everybody, but I'll think I'll just tell everybody to read my blog............ after all its where its 2 busy 2 talk plus its not a good look 2 b talking on the phone about working after all you're supposed 2b professional.
Monday 2nd November 2008
Started @ TK, got in nice whakatau by TAN all good. Got in2 TK tari and every1 is slowly accepting of our turanga.... its like whatever. Hei aha, carry on look professional and try and be helpful. Although I really feel like I'm in the way than actually being helpful so I'm saying bro if you want I can clean your desk or I can do whatever u want all Good. 1st thing 2 do 2day go across the road 2 Subway and buy some biscuits... yum well now that i feel a bit better can do some mahi. 1st mahi 4 the day Waikato Tainui Sports Awards did the write up on that Jamie Joseph up 4 the coach of the year award, Richard Kahui 4 the Male Sportsman award, Amigene Metcalfe 4 the Sportswomen award and Keisha Grant 4 the Junior Girls and Sam Rapira up 4 the Junior Mens mean aye!
Got that done and it was all good. got to go home SWEET. C U 2moro.
Tuesday 3rd November 2008
Back 2 it in here the next morning nobody in its like okay nobody loves me. But hei aha all good, try and look professional and read the newspaper next thing Te Anga walks past and I'm like well its better than doing nothing. If u want I can do the dishes but I don't really wash toilets if u know what I mean. Yeh bro hard out I can do the work in the back 1st b 4 on the shop floor.
Progress to the rest of the day and I eventually get this.... work on the League World Cup haha mean maori mean get this it starts with Benji Marshall are you like 4 real, are we talking about the one and only Benji Marshall aye!!! really really really and whats funny is that everyone is up on the Benji Marshall thing mean as man... these people can actually understand whats up on that. So yeah discussing most things like the draw and questions sounds exciting but the worst comes in about here...... te whakamaorita te korero he rereke oku tuhituhi ki te kaupapa engari e mohio ana au, what u get is what u get. But I tell you what I got a world cup diary out of it and I feel really proud ahahha... Cool aye!!!! I'm gonna show this off 2 my big brother guess what I have... haahahahahha.....
Later on still calming down from the days activities then I up trying to update my blog but couldn't quite keep my eyes open 2 stay up. Although I did watch my piece on the Rugby league world cup mean aye!!!! hehhehe I'm impressed a few changes but otherwise all good hahahah
Wednesday 4th of November 2008
Hey wow what a great day no scripts no writing I'm like YESSSSS! mean, anyway in there thinking I'm just gonna b in the office but nah not even. Today guess WHERE.......
Bro now thats what I call a good start 2 the day. Very exciting but then yet again the reality hits. Girl go do some work..... oh well it was good while it started aye!!!! aye! aye!. Can you tell I'm excited. Anyway heres some Media release korero:
4th November 2008
NZ Breakers Media Newsletter
Issue number 11
Thursfay night against the 36ers will be a celbration of the great carer of 'The Bear' following on from Tony Ronaldson's remarkable record breaking game against the Crocs on Saturday night as he went past Andrew Gaze's all time NBL appearance reocrd.
The 106-97 away win against the Crocodiles was just the second achieved in Townsville in seven visits. RONALDSON in his record breaking 613th NBL appearnce, shwoed he is more than just durable, with 16 points and some good numbers elsewhere in the stat sheet, although CJ BRUTON starred, scoring with 21 pionts whilst also contributing 8 assists, 3 steals and 5 rebounds.
..... So far today thats all I've done but have been helping out on the 90th Anniversary of Ratana the Mangai. Tamati Tiananga is doing a write up on the celebrations but guess what I have 2 give them all the contacts which is good but its a bit embarassing because all my family members are all involved but the hardest thing of all is that when you need them they're bloody NOT ANSWERING THEIR PHONES SO WHEN everybody is standing around going how did you get on its like "oh sorry they're not answering their phones" all the time they've hung up on me cos they're in meetings or they just don't want to take my call. For example I rang my Dad's phone about 20 times and finally got a hold of him at 2pm I'm like sorry bro he's not aswering 2 TT but he's like all good but which one is the best one to interview and i'm like well whats your angle and then he's like well how old is he because we really what like a old fuddy duddy but I'm like don't tell my Dad that. Anyway TT is off 2 intervu Ruia 1st then mayb off 2 intervu NWE (Dad) @ 4pm.... u no whats good about that boy he's humble 2 da daze he's pretty cool.... yeh so thats folks hope u like it just a short update....
Kia ora!!!!
Upblogging live from TK............... Nikora Irimana TE KAEA

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