In a slightly twisted turn of all Kiwi's going to Ozzie I read the Pirimia is wanting those that flew our shores for greener pastures for Ozzieland can now come back and you can apply for an unemployment benefit? Wow that must be some great debate comback. That will have alot of people crying I would think. Afterall they left our economy for a so called better one and if they can't find a job there well why don't they go on their unemployent benefit?
What do you think? Quite interesting.
Not that the economy is an indication of the spirit in Manukau City at the moment but the deposition's hearing for the chinese lady that was run over last year in the shopping center, is being held today. At the time of the hand bag snatching there was a spate of robberies and killings in the Manurewa region which this incident was the start of it. See this story.
Although I am a sports person at heart I would have to comment about Mr Benji Marshalls offer to play off season rugby union in Japan for 1.3 million now I agree that he should definitely look at his options for this contract, given that its in his Aussie off season, he's not getting any younger and the money won't be there forever so by all means I think he should seriously consider it. I like the fact too that the West Tigers Club is also supporting him in all these negotiations. I mean Daniel Carter may have been the first person to negotiate with the New Zealand Ruby Union for a out of season contract with Perignon but look at Mr Carter now, (still handsome as ever... I mean) the other side of the coin is the likelihood of injury. I suppose for the sakes of both parties then that all would factor that into the negotiating equation. I think that Benji is more than capable and if not better than Mr Carter, but gee if we could only get all our beautiful sports players to play in one code now that would be a sight to see, not just the view but the pure talent. I don't know that would actually happen though, they'd look at each other and probably laugh. But if it was like a world cup now that when the majic happens well in Benji's case not sure about Danels let alone Sonny Bill.
Marshall could be Japan millionaire - report see:
Sadly the government has made adjustments to the RMA Act Hapu and iwi around the country have had bad experiences with the administration of the RMA both through councils and the inconsistencies of the Environment Court and it’s very expensive, very time consuming and although there are the so called Maori protection provisions in the RMA, it gives little or no priority to Maori interests. At the expense of the economy and the RMA it maybe a provisio until such a big nono occurs which is usually with property developments etc. Isn't it the property developments that got us into the money borrowing situation in the beginning?
In a true Nga Puhi spirit which means my way or the high way I ask you how are you celebrating the Waitangi celebrations. In fact in American style ways what are you doing not for your Waitangi celebration are you having hangi is your work place celebrating kiwi culture tomorrow?
How do you spend your Waitangi and do you think there should be more national celebrations.
I think so, even a Waitangi Day Cake competition now thats mean hahah funny!
anyway short post today better go do some work.... catch ya
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