Paki noa iho ki ou whakaro heoi he ahuareka mohio nga mahi me nga taumata hou mo nga taumahi te raupapa o nga wananga i te po. Te mauritau te wairua mo te noho whakamutu mahi tuhingaroa. Heoi tuohu koe ki te maunga teitei.
Hui a Iwi
Ngati Rangitihi Consultation Hui.
The Venues and Times for the planned Consultation Hui have been confirmed and updated in the Forum Section.These Hui are to enable Ngati Rangitihi to have their say and to mandate proposed drafts of a post-settlement entitiy / Trust. The entity has a deadline of July the 1st to be formed.I strongly advise our whanau of Ngati Rangitihi to attend the closest Hui to you.In regards to the Hui being held in Wellington, Merepeka Raukawa- Tait and Whaimutu Dewes will be presenting ( all Hui ), with myself and Leith Comer in support.The Hui held in Auckland will have Tim Morrison and Cathy Dewes in support.Both Hui held in Matata will have full attendance by the Takaia Roopu.Please attend, and if any questions do not hesitate to email
Hui a Iwi
Ngati Rangitihi Consultation Hui.
The Venues and Times for the planned Consultation Hui have been confirmed and updated in the Forum Section.These Hui are to enable Ngati Rangitihi to have their say and to mandate proposed drafts of a post-settlement entitiy / Trust. The entity has a deadline of July the 1st to be formed.I strongly advise our whanau of Ngati Rangitihi to attend the closest Hui to you.In regards to the Hui being held in Wellington, Merepeka Raukawa- Tait and Whaimutu Dewes will be presenting ( all Hui ), with myself and Leith Comer in support.The Hui held in Auckland will have Tim Morrison and Cathy Dewes in support.Both Hui held in Matata will have full attendance by the Takaia Roopu.Please attend, and if any questions do not hesitate to email
Te momo ahua o te Swine mate urutaa
kaore au i whakaaro pai mo te mate urutaa o Mehico, ae marika, i maumahara ahau nga wa o ta tatou tupuna kua hemo noa atu mo nga mate i nga tau 1918, i te puaha o Waikato me te Iwi Tainui ke. I maumahara nga ahuatanga o te korero nga mahi mahere huanga mo te matetanga. He nui ake he kua pahure. Ko toku kuia he hua o era tau. Tekau ma rua nga tamariki i tona whanau, a, katoa nga tamariki e whangai atu ki te whanau whanui.

He aha te mamae aroha he tauhanga o tenei mate? Nga pakaru manawa o nga tamariki, me te Mama o enei tamariki mo tenei mate. I mohio ana ia e hemo, te mamae aroha mo nga tamariki katoa, me ki tona whaiaipo. I mate rite ki n ga ngaro. I hingaia.
He aha nga ariaria mo tenei mate ki te Swine mate urutaa? Ko toku hiahia nui nga whakaaro o nga kaumatua i whakaaro mo tenei mate. Nga ahua pouri o te whanau i mate ki te oneone o te puaha o Waikato natemea tino nui ake nga tatau i hemo.

He tohu o tera wa ko te Whaea Te Puea, nga matua e ngarotanga atu. I panui ahau ko tenei reanga mate i mate he pukete mo nga mate nui mo nga wa poto. Tino mamae ki ahau i panui nga takuta o te taiao mate i riro tenei mate o nga tau 1918 mo nga mahi rangahau. Ko tenei te take pea ka tae mai ano o enei tau? I tera wa ko te mea Spanish flu?
Heoi ano ki ahau, he aha te ahua pena orite o tenei mate o Mehico, ko te mate Mehico.
1. te mataku
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