Hanga mahi hou, hanga ngā tito waiata, rereke e mohio ana au rereke mo ngā hoa I waenganui ngā roopu engari e mohio ana ahau haere tonu. Me nga raru katoa mo te hiahia pukenga.
E tino maha ngā mahi.
Mahi Manu tara tahi
Mahi tokatuwhaoroa
mahi o te twwoa – pepeha, tauparapara
Hui āria (brainstorm)
Whiriwhiri (options) = whiti
Rangi = rarangi
Waiata = kaihoro uru noa, kaore e rongo ki te kupu na rongo o te poto o te rangi. Kia paku whaka dooro, nui na ahuatanga hei whakatakoto. Kei te hanga he waiata.
Whai I tenei
Pū – kaupapa
Kupu – wananga
Whiti – whiriwhiri (options)
Rangi – rarangi
= waiata
Ata hapara
Tuhoetanga o te ra
Te Ata tū
Poutu te rangi
Pou pou o te ra
Tonga o te ra
Ngā tangi o ngā manu te wa ata hapara
Kua timata te ra
Maroke ngā makuku ki te Papa Mahia a mahi
Awatea e
Nui o te ra hunaia o te kaha o ngā hihi
Na reira tenei te mahi:
Ka oho I te ora
Ki te waiata o te manu
Te hihi o te ra
Ka oho e
Ka whiti I te ra
Ki te tangi o ngā manu
Te hihi o te ra
Te ngakau mahana
Te ngakau ora e
Ka hoki a tama
Ki te korowai o te po
Hei moemoea
Ki te ko o ngā manu
Te hihi o te ra
Te ngakau mahana
Te ngakau ora e
The taiaha is a long handled weapon used for striking and parrying in close quarter combat.
The taiaha consists of three parts;
the upoko (head) which also includes the well carved arero (protruding tongue), the tinana (body), which forms the grip, and the rau or the main striking blade.
The highly prestigious taiaha kura is further distinguished by the addition of the decorative tauri (parrot feather collar) and awe (dog hair tassels) that dress/ adorn tinana.
Parts can include the:
· Ārero – tongue
· Ūpoko - head
· Awe – feathers
· Tinana – body
· Ate - blade
· Rapa - body
· Rau – butt edge
This particular example is an unusual form distinguished by the elongated brow on the upoko (head). Also noticeable are unduluting ridges which can be seen along the length of the tinana and rau, which may have improved the grip, its aerodynamic qualities during quick, high speed combat striking manoeuvres, and th dispersion e of energy from high impact parrying and blocking manoeuvres.
E tino maha ngā mahi.
Mahi Manu tara tahi
Mahi tokatuwhaoroa
mahi o te twwoa – pepeha, tauparapara
Hui āria (brainstorm)
Whiriwhiri (options) = whiti
Rangi = rarangi
Waiata = kaihoro uru noa, kaore e rongo ki te kupu na rongo o te poto o te rangi. Kia paku whaka dooro, nui na ahuatanga hei whakatakoto. Kei te hanga he waiata.
Whai I tenei
Pū – kaupapa
Kupu – wananga
Whiti – whiriwhiri (options)
Rangi – rarangi
= waiata
Ata hapara
Tuhoetanga o te ra
Te Ata tū
Poutu te rangi
Pou pou o te ra
Tonga o te ra
Ngā tangi o ngā manu te wa ata hapara
Kua timata te ra
Maroke ngā makuku ki te Papa Mahia a mahi
Awatea e
Nui o te ra hunaia o te kaha o ngā hihi
Na reira tenei te mahi:
Ka oho I te ora
Ki te waiata o te manu
Te hihi o te ra
Ka oho e
Ka whiti I te ra
Ki te tangi o ngā manu
Te hihi o te ra
Te ngakau mahana
Te ngakau ora e
Ka hoki a tama
Ki te korowai o te po
Hei moemoea
Ki te ko o ngā manu
Te hihi o te ra
Te ngakau mahana
Te ngakau ora e
The taiaha is a long handled weapon used for striking and parrying in close quarter combat.
The taiaha consists of three parts;
the upoko (head) which also includes the well carved arero (protruding tongue), the tinana (body), which forms the grip, and the rau or the main striking blade.
The highly prestigious taiaha kura is further distinguished by the addition of the decorative tauri (parrot feather collar) and awe (dog hair tassels) that dress/ adorn tinana.
Parts can include the:
· Ārero – tongue
· Ūpoko - head
· Awe – feathers
· Tinana – body
· Ate - blade
· Rapa - body
· Rau – butt edge
This particular example is an unusual form distinguished by the elongated brow on the upoko (head). Also noticeable are unduluting ridges which can be seen along the length of the tinana and rau, which may have improved the grip, its aerodynamic qualities during quick, high speed combat striking manoeuvres, and th dispersion e of energy from high impact parrying and blocking manoeuvres.
Te wiki o te tino whakahokia a te tianara a Stacey Jones. Kia tu tonu ki te runga o te upoko o te whakataetae NRL. He pai timatanga mo te tau 2009. Na reira tenei te wiki o te haramai o nga Broncos o Piripane. Nau mai haere mai.
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