Twitter: U no kei runga noa atu ahau i runga tenei kaupapa i te mutunga o 2008 engari ki ahau kaore e whakakaha oku whakaaro, engari he tino mihi i waenganui nga aka i tera wiki, heoi e kitea ano ki te wharangi. Na reir a Dave e hari ahau naianei he huarahi hou mo nga papaho maori tauira o Manukau, ko tenei he taonga o te ao papaho Maori. Engari e hokia ahau ki te mahi naianei e kitea e koe a te po nei.
na Nix E

Bro, e mohio ana nga whanau whanaunga e tino pohara ne ra,..... engari ki ahau e kitea ki nga tangata e mahi nga wa katoa penei, e whakaaro au bro tino waimarie matou, tatou katoa. I roto i Aotearoa nei. Enei tangata whai nga koura i India. Ki a ahau nga tangata pango engari i roto i Inia? He rereke nga whakaaro? ne ra?
Horekau nga u, nga pupuritia mo nga kaupapa kei te hiahia nga mea o te ao, pehea ai tou haere? Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant na reira ko tenei he patapatai mo te procrastination, ko te taihoatanga. Pehea tou kaha, he aha to hiahia nunui o te ngakau? Ko te putea ne ha, tuarua ko te mea o te ture wairua, ko te aroha pea, na reira, kimi tera era mea o te ngakau me haere kimi nga koura i waenganui nga rangahau i whanake atu i te ao. Timata, kaore e hokia. You must be tenacious, tedious, if not punctual but more than ever determined to keep going at that standard, and that drive to move forward and up. Whether it be the things I should do and the balance of the things I want to do or need to do. Have more children but not be the bearer of work and financial stress. Loose 10kgs and still find the joy in exercising regularly even in the early hours of the morning? While friends and family are falling out of bars, and saying good morning, what really is the fun all of that? Ae tamariki mokopuna, engari he aha te taake o nga taake?
Ko te me kimihaere ou tatou ngoikoretanga me whakakaha me whakakaha nga huarahi. Expose it. Deal with the issues at hand and then your other issues will seem easier to deal with. In fact I so believe in recognising the weaknesses. It is such a good topic.... what an icebreaker? What ways u can help to combat certain issues the development on such issues and the how when why will all happen. At the end of the day the same will result except one with more understanding of how you got there. Procrastination who needs it it is outdated.
Tips on how to interview interestingly on Maori TV
After watching what seemingly was a pleasant bulletin last Wednesday I had the fortunate experience to be allowed to watch the ahua rukahu patapatai o nga wa o mua.
1. Yes beauty is skin deep but brains please try and sound like you are smart? Fringe and hair straightener may not apply... Your job as an interviewer is to set some good questions and angles into the make of the who what when of Maori TV. Asking what Maori Television presenter's are the best is not necessarily the best question to ask when you've done them literally (horizontally that is). Yes entertaining give you credit, but personally leave the personal stuff out of the public arena. Makes me sick. What was the interestingness behind knowing your bonk is the purotu o te ao papaho Maori!!!! (shit for brains). Tangaroa piri whare.
2. Short and sharp - make your question's relative is all I say. Thank goodness for Annabell, someone with wit smarts and credibility. Go hard girl. There is something about that gurl that just seems to make sense, although at first I thought she was a dimwit too, when I'd watch Native Affairs. Keep it short then you're more interesting the whole of the time. The longer you talk crap the harder it is to keep someone's interest... simple. E wai e taea te kupenga whiwhiwhi.
In summary, not sure I enjoyed that interview whatsoever! Gurls maybe, chinwag maybe but just no source of anything in crap. Stick to the politicians I say Hone Harawira makes more toungues fly that the fly on your toungue.
Bubby i hokia ki te taumata o te tima Hiriwa Wahine
I pai te rongo a Bubby ki te tima pea o nga Wahine Hiriwa. Ki ahau e ohorere mo ana whakatau "if she still has what it takes". I 33 ona tau ki ahau he tianara taurite ki a Stacy Jones, engari ki nga whanau o te motu pai te rongo ka purei tonu a George. I haere tonu i te whakahaeretia te tima Mystix me te taha a te kotiro Keysha Grant. Ko Keysha te wawata o tenei tima. Ko ia te utu mo nga raru o te tima Mystix, I tera tau kia kaha te DTW hotaka a Bubby kaore te pai haere a te tima Mystix, na reira, ka haerea mai te wa o nga Silver Ferns ka hoki a Bubby pea. Na reira e mohio ana a Bubby i mahi mo te hotaka Boilup, he pai whakaaro e kitea i runga te pouaka whakaata engari e toru nga wahine e hoopu. Ki ahau e tumanako horekau nga kat fights na reira etahi mea orite ki nga kaitorangapu o reipa me nga Tane Maori Paati, pai hoki nga akaaka kohimuhimu. Na reira kotahi tangata i korero mo te riki, ko Te Arahi Maipi and the odd sports reporter from Te Kaea there is going 2b some mean hormones flying around on that set! Cant wait to see it. Mo te wa nei... kia kaha Bubby tau ke Keesh kei runga noa atu e koe, karawhiua. He Tainui kotiro he Tainui korero (a Keesh) Kei a koe tenei paahuatanga, kei a u popo ka wheekee, ka wheeekee, kawheekee.

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