Friday, December 21, 2012

He mea painga mo te hararei!

Kia pai ou koutou hararei!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ngā pūkenga pā whutu Paoro - Ka ako te tamaiti i te ruku me te whiwhi piro

Kia ora ra e te iwi ipurangi.

Koia nei tētahi pūkenga mo ngā tau teina.  Ko tēnei te kapa ira iwa iho mo te rohe ho Tamaki Makaurau 2011-2012.

Ko ēnei wētahi pūkenga e mahi ana i roto i ngā maharatau.  Ko te whainga, hei mohio te teina ki te ruku piro.  Anei na te whakatūranga.

Kia harikoa aau karu ki te mahi =)

He tino harikoa mo ngaa tau iwa iho, hei ako i te ruku, whiwhi piro.  He tino puukenga mo ngaa rangatira whutupaoro kei te heke mai.

Ara i koonei ko ngaa ahurei katoa, maori, pakeha, tangata a motu a Kiwa, engari kua tuuwhera ki te katoa.  He rawe ne!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Ko te Wiki o te Reo Māori - Arohatia i te Reo

Te timatanga o te Reo Māori

Ko te wiki o te Reo Māori i tēnei wiki 2012, arā ko te aroaro mo tēnei tau ko te "Arohatia i te Reo Māori" me ki ko te reo he mōtoi kahotea, arā me maiohatia i te reo Māori, tā tātou reo Rangatira.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Waiata mo te hui ā kura

Earthquake by Labrinth ft tinie Tempah
Arewhana nā Alexandra Burke
Take Care by Drake ft Rianna
Turn Me on nā Nicki Minage & David Guetta
Turn up the music by chris brown
girl gone wild by madonna
starships nicki minage
Wild ONes by Florida
talk that talk to me - jay z ft rianna
Alexandra Stan - Mr Saxobeat
Avicii & Levels
Nobodys perfect baby J Cole ft Missy Elliott
Love after war na Robin thicke
Anthony Hamilton Woo
My Baby - Pieter T
Stan Walk - light it up
Mr Wrong - Mary J Blige

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

14 ngā whakaaro tonu mo te wā e heke mai nei! Ngā mihi o te tau hou

Here are 14 quick strategies to get and keep yourself motivated:
1. Condition your mind. Train yourself to think positive thoughts while avoiding negative thoughts.
2. Condition your body. It takes physical energy to take action.  Get your food and exercise budget in place and follow it like a business plan.
3. Avoid negative people. They drain your energy and waste your time, so hanging with them is like shooting yourself in the foot.
4. Seek out the similarly motivated. Their positive energy will rub off on you and you can imitate their success strategies.
5. Have goals–but remain flexible. No plan should be cast in concrete, lest it become more important than achieving the goal.
6. Act with a higher purpose.  Any activity or action that doesn’t serve your higher goal is wasted effort--and should be avoided.
7. Take responsibility for your own results. If you blame (or credit) luck, fate or divine intervention, you’ll always have an excuse.
8. Stretch past your limits on a daily basis. Walking the old, familiar paths is how you grow old. Stretching makes you grow and evolve.
9. Don't wait for perfection; do it now! Perfectionists are the losers in the game of life.  Strive for excellence rather than the unachievable.
10. Celebrate your failures. Your most important lessons in life will come from what you don't achieve. Take time to understand where you fell short.
11. Don’t take success too seriously. Success can breed tomorrow's failure if you use it as an excuse to become complacent.
12. Avoid weak goals.  Goals are the soul of achievement, so never begin them with "I'll try ..."  Always start with "I will" or "I must."
13. Treat inaction as the only real failure.  If you don’t take action, you fail by default and can't even learn from the experience.
14. Think before you speak.  Keep silent rather than express something that doesn’t serve your purpose.

E tekau ngā whakāro hei whakamanamana i tau rangi e heke mai nei

 Have I made certain that those I love feel loved?
2. Have I done something today that improved the world?
3. Have I conditioned my body to be more strong flexible and resilient?
4. Have I reviewed and honed my plans for the future?
5. Have I acted in private with the same integrity I exhibit in public?
6. Have I avoided unkind words and deeds?
7. Have I accomplished something worthwhile?
8. Have I helped someone less fortunate?
9. Have I collected some wonderful memories?
10. Have I felt grateful for the incredible gift of being alive?