Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ko Nix Edmonds mō Te Kāea. Hī.............!

Tēnā rā tātou e aku raurangatira

Work experience at Te Kaea, mean as to the days. I thought I was just going in to be the dogs tail. But did some mean mahi with Numia Ponika Rangi. Loved it got my own piece submitted. See video.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wiki Tuawaru

A gut wrenching hard week to swallow but nonetheless a learned week. Monday away at a tangi my sweet Aunty Cissy passed away and I wanted to make sure I was there to be a part of her last days. Little did I know that the day would end up being soulcrushing kicked in the guts like. No matter what hardship pick up your guts and get out of there and carry on. Thankfully I have 2 great kaumatua who I had a korero with and they helped me thru these tough moments. I love them heaps, although Papa Waati still calls me "that girl" lol.

Tuesday finished up our radio stories and I'd forgotten to mixdown my radio audio so Dave popped in to get me to mix it down. Learning the video model is slightly harder than the radio audio adobe it is not as user friendly despite the hardship I'll have to find time to get tips because I seem to be sitting here not getting any work done just because I look on to it nobody sharing the knowledge so I just sit here doing my work. I have to ask how to do it like Triani because Dave is always showing those who are late. I'm supposed to be up to date and alot of people who are late or don't turn up are up to date and I'm here doing the exercises and still left behind. I don't know whats up with that, still try your hardest but cant' get it right!

Wednesday my baby was sick and I had 2 bring her into class with me and Triani. She was coughing away but she had fun in here. She's committed to coming to class than some others hahah lol. I have to tell to go to kohanga. KT was algd though and hard out understanding fortunately. Had to skip the afternoon sesh as I too felt like crap. Thursday Numia came into class seeking for weekend students I have opted to go forward and volunteer. This morning mahi with Peeni was okay, stuff that to me I had gone over but was only scratching the surface. I hate being the senior person and just answering the question its embarrassing. I wanna leave that shit behind and tell everybody else though 2 pick up their shit, because I don't wanna have 2 b embarrassed for being proactive.

Is that crap 2 have that attitude? I hate feeling like I'm the only one asking the questions, I'm not the only one on this waaka, common guys get with the programme do you wanna look your here with me or what!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week Tuawhitu -Auckland museum finishing radio stories

Double entry this week but last week was not too bad felt okay with the work etc... ; Did final cuts for radio story quite enjoyed that despite havving to change my radio structure. I had originally used Hemi to introduce me but ended up cutting him and putting my voice on with a very BFM flava'e tone to the show. Added the radio interviews and 9 and a half minutes later final product done!

Wednesday wasn't too bad Thursday made it in late. Went to the museum and enjoyed this. Back to carrying heaps of bags this week trying to catch up on work but just seem to be slipping past on the commitment level. Went and visited the Auckland Museum Kapa haka show as well was awesome did a reply back to the group, freaked myself out plus Kahiwa. Anyway it was worth it I had a great time. Thanks Kahiwa what an experience.

Wiki Tuawhitu

Well got a little bit left behind in ma blog... last week wasn't too bad though another week where I can't get my shit together whats new ha..... Such a contrast from enjoying the work with radio audio and going into radio commentary.

Definitely starting to feel the pressure have the winter blues, the winter flu, and the boo hoos no money etc... no life....

Went to the museum despite it being a slightly lost cause. I suddenly have an appreciation for things Maori but sometimes I am told that the whole significance of a museum looses its context in terms of the uniqueness of the artefact. Given the argument there I enjoyed the visit out off campus.

I also got to visit Kahiwa's mahi. It was me Hemi and Kahiwa, the museum kapa haka group. It was cool. I did a reply karanga to thank them which was kinda out of it, but definitely cool buzzed out.

Wiki Tuaono

You know I'm really enjoying my mahi at MIT and love my course. Time just seems to fly. Despite some serious raru at home and lack of focus I'm enjoying the course. Here are some field notes:
Sitting at the koroneihana hasn’t been such a great success in planning and preparation. I can tell you this much it has been a learning lesson and with everything that you’re taught you say yes I’m going to do it, pë rä hoki engari kaore ahau e whakarongo. Didn’t check the video cam didn’t check the batteries to put stuff in my bag too busy trying to clean the house still. There is something seriously wrong with me not getting ready 4 my mahi ne ra. Not puttng stuff in my bag too get ready. The thought of giving up shit too get this one thing right aye! Anyway got my interview although I still would have loved to do more of a radio interview with people. I have 2 interviewees so far. But my lack of organization leaves a lot to be desired. I’m here sitting at the media centre at Tü rangawaewae and man there is some serious power tripping going on here, bit scary personally so I’m sitting outside. I hear the kairipoata for a Maori radio station giving her feedback on the river claim which may be settled tomorrow day. A big pick up for those in the media industry. I may have to ask a few question s and try and get the inside word. Have now moved inside the media centre, ha funny that with all the professionals in here, they all doing their work and discussing who has what and shooting the speech now soon. I’m sitting at the other end of the table from Amohaere Houkapou and Renee Kahukura and they have a translator or a scriptwriter helping them out. Funny I thought they had 2 cut and paste everything themselves. Seeing it as it happens with the radio on and listening 2 the mihi of the paepae ka rawe. The girls have joined me now and they are all sitting out on the verandah. Te korero a Te Anga start on his speech then go from there, maybe I should just make this the last. The other one needs to be done by 7pm or half past 6pm. Moko Tini is constantly working and looking after all the journalists she is a good host. I’ll be glad 2 have her represent Tainui hearty. She is a real mum and a good host too. Girls have gone and at the moment I can hear the Tongan representative speak on the paepae, you can definitely tell a Islander’s korero.
Post Koroneihana
I thought that the Koroneihana was a good trip. Although at the time my first fieldtrip it really was hard work, trying not to disturb people and remain invisible is hard work so Yeah! Hard 2 get the pix when people can't see through you. Otherwsie fully enjoyable. Can't wait to hand this aromatawai in.